"Well, if it doesn't jell, it isn't aspic, and this ain't jellin'!" --Milton Arbogast (
Last night, I was in the mood for something different. And friendly.
Having never prepared aspic before, I was slightly hesitant to try this recipe, but the more I considered it, the more perfect it seemed. Refreshing, savory, simple,
friendly...how could it be anything less than wonderful?
Before I started cooking, I made the mistake of Googling the word aspic. I wish I hadn't, because
this is what I saw. Have you returned? Are you OK??
I had to shake off that horrific image quickly or I would never be able to continue. I began assembling the ingredients:
- 1tablespoon unflavored gelatine
- 2 cups tomato juice
- 1/4 tsp lemon-pepper
- 1/4 tsp dry mustard
- 2 tbsp cider vinegar
After the gelatine was dissolved in the tomato juice and all other ingredients had been combined, I poured the mixture into a small baking pan and placed it in the refrigerator. I then went about my business for the next two hours--the exact amount of time needed for the aspic to set.
After I finished apron shopping, hemming my bell-bottoms and replacing the ribbon in my typewriter--it was finally time to cut into the
Friendly Aspic! I rushed to the fridge---past my horrified husband (whom I ignored as he asked me why I was storing congealed blood in the refrigerator)---opened the door and excitedly grabbed the aspic and a sharp knife.

Let me tell you something, people: This aspic is NOT friendly. It is not even amicable or congenial. It is in fact putrid. I was not ready for this jelly. I don't think I will ever be.
Maybe it's just me, but I prefer my tomato juice in liquid form. What's your take on aspic?