Sunday, June 13, 2010

Retro WW Patio Party

It was such a perfect Summer Saturday, so the hubby and I decided to throw some chicken and veggies on the grill and hang out on the patio last evening. Great music on the radio, great food on the grill, and some really great conversation.

But what to sip on? Hmmm.

Conditions were perfect for a fancy, fruity, frozen cocktail. But we all know that Daiquiris and Margaritas are a BIG no-no on the Retro WW Plan.

The alternative? Trick yourself with a sweet little no-calorie "mocktail" called the "Cherry-O"!

Here's how it's done:
Make ice cubes from 1 cup cherry-flavored dietetic carbonated beverage and 1 cup dietetic ginger ale. Crush cubes (can be done in blender) and serve in champagne glasses with a short straw for sipping. Makes 2 servings.
I actually put my Cherry-O in a giant Margarita glass and drank the whole darn thing. It's so refreshing, they even wrote a song about it! Well... not really--but this boozy, breezy reggae tune sorta makes up for the lack of alcohol in the drinkies. In fact, you might catch a contact buzz just listening to it.

Here's my favorite version by the Rolling Stones. Happy Summer!


Tami@NutmegNotebook said...

You sure are getting creative with your retro food and drinks!

Unknown said...

CHEERS! I will be making 2 point margaritas today for my deck time relaxing! :)

1 package crystal light lemonade flavor mix(the small mix packs-like the to-go ones) Mixed with water according to directions.

1 shot of tequila

fresh lemon juice to taste!

-Shake and sip- YUM! :)

this is my boyfriend's favorite margarita- he asked me to get the mix from the store to take to a friends house- and I had to explain that it's NOT a bottle mix! SO EASY!

Ellen said...

Love it, but perhaps a wee tad of tequila would be OK while no one is looking?

Bring Pretty Back said...

This really looks good! I think it would be perfect in a fun glass! I am wild about a drink of any kind in a fun glass!!

Desiree said...

So cute (and as we know, we eat with our eyes).