Can someone please help me understand what is going on here? Has this feast been prepared for some twisted tweener party? Or perhaps it is a potluck dinner gone horribly wrong?
Let's take a closer look...
First we have the Apple and Franks Karachi--baked apples stuffed with diced frankfurter and sprinkled with curry powder. Exotic! Bet you can't eat just one!

Next up is Teentimers Tuna--these tuna roll-ups are combined with.. what else.. pimentos and dehydrated onion flakes! Better hurry up and grab one, because these babies won't last!

Finally--behold the Buttermilk Berserk! This monster gelatine mold is made from 1 quart of buttermilk, lemon juice, allspice, and of course - lots of bright yellow food coloring. Aren't you just dying to try a nice big chunk of this dietetic disaster?

Grab a plate and dig in! Or grab a guitar and start playing! Or someone please grab that teal phone and call 9-1-1!
I wonder why things started getting really scary in 1974? Is it possible that the Weight Watchers recipe developers were getting just a wee bit bored and had become way too creative? I mean, there's only so much you can do with tuna, pimentos, Knox gelatine and celery on a daily basis.
Don't worry folks, I'll be heading back to the safety and comfort of 1972 for my Easter Feast! Stay tuned...