Jean Nidetch invited six of her friends over to her living room in Queens, NY. They met there once a week and talked about their weight loss struggles and successes. None of them were doctors or nutritionists or psychologists. They were just friends. It was the birth of the Weight Watchers meeting.

Back then, it was really brave and liberating for these women to confess their eating compulsions and struggles in a public forum. It was just unheard of.
Now there are thousands of Weight Watchers meetings all over the world with millions of men and women sharing their weight loss stories. There are weight loss blogs, message boards, and social networking sites. The whole bit.
All thanks to Jean, we now know that the sharing makes the journey so much easier, and Jean's spirit is in all of us as we chronicle our journey to become thinner & healthier.
So here's my question to you:
What would you say to Jean if you had a chance? What burning question would you ask her? What would you want to share with her more than anything else?
Tell me in 10 words or less.
Send it to me in an email. Tweet it to me using #jeannidetch. Or get really creative and send me a picture, poem or even a recipe to express your Jean Nidetch love. I will compile your messages and publish them all together in one special "To Jean With Love" post during the month of May.
Don't forget to include your blog URL so I can add a link!
Tell me in 10 words or less.
Send it to me in an email. Tweet it to me using #jeannidetch. Or get really creative and send me a picture, poem or even a recipe to express your Jean Nidetch love. I will compile your messages and publish them all together in one special "To Jean With Love" post during the month of May.
Don't forget to include your blog URL so I can add a link!
So what are you waiting for? Join The Retro WW Movement and show your love for our founder, Jean. I'm sure she can't wait to hear from us!