I don't know what that says about me and my fellow Retro Food Bloggers - Ruth, Lexi, and Emily. Except that we all have a strange desire to regularly encase things in gelatine. And we are a very bad influence on each other.
So when we recently put our heads together to plan an "Epic Mid-Century Blog Crossover Jell-O Recipe Dare", I knew right away I was in very big trouble.
The challenge: Choose the most horrifyingly fabulous Jell-O recipe from your collection, and after a random re-assignment - the lucky recipient must make it, eat it and blog about it.
The rules:
1. No substitutions
2. No excuses
3. No tears - there's no crying in Jell-O molding, dear.
My assignment (Courtesy of Retro Ruth):
Believe it or not, I was actually relieved beyond belief when I received this assignment. First of all, it is very Retro WW friendly. In fact, the only non-legal ingredient is the Lime Jell-O! We Retro WW gals are only allowed to have Knox Unflavored gelatine, you know - but I figured I could break the rules just this once. I was also relieved because my recipe was surprisingly semi-appetizing. Trust me. It could have been MUCH worse. These girls I am mixed up with are like the Jell-O mafia. They don't mess around.
Here's a really pretty picture of my lime Jell-O before I completely desecrated it:
And here's a totally nauseating picture of the Jell-O after I chilled it, whipped it, and added the tuna/pineapple/sour cream fixins to it.
I tried to think happy thoughts as I folded all of the ingredients together so as to help the Jell-O maintain its fluffy-ness. Sadly this did not work very well, and the entire mixture deflated into a giant bowl of green gelatinous goo. I stuck it back in the fridge for a few more minutes and let the gelatine do its thing.
In the meantime--I got to work on my pineapple boat. I found a really nice lady on YouTube to show me how to do that. She made it look so easy. Yeah. This was not easy at all. I'm just glad I didn't lose any fingers. I'm also glad no one was watching, because I really f-bombed the Hell out of that pineapple and made a huge sticky mess in the process.
But I must admit, in the end I pulled it all together, and my Waikiki Whip turned out just peachy. Here I am putting on the finishing touches and taking a big ol' taste:
The flavor was overwhelmingly tart and fishy. Oh, and just in case you didn't notice - I even gagged a little bit during the video. Not because it tasted all that bad, but because I wasn't prepared for how intense it was. Seriously. I really wasn't ready for that jelly. But even with the on-camera "Regurgitation Close Call", The Waikiki Whip was still a wonderful trip.
And here is one final extreme close-up shot for your viewing pleasure:
May I just say that both you and your pineapple boat looked fabulous.
I read the recipe and thought that doesn't sound bad and that made me really afraid of what I had become. When I saw the picture of your finished product I knew I had seen it before. After thinking for about 3 seconds I remembered I had seen it on the floor in the Health Room close to the child holding the trash can! Did I ever mention I am an elementary school nurse and we have a stomach virus at school?
I love your regurgitation close-call! And your pineapple boat, and your hair. Well done, Mimi!
I physically recoiled in horror at that last picture. A brain in a pineapple?
Oh my goodness! This one was absolutely stellar! I adore that video. I loved seeing you and laughed my butt off at your gag face. :) "I just realized I need to save some for my husband." Hilarious.
Thanks for being such a good sport AND for the comment thing. :)
I don't know how you do it. Your bravery knows no bounds!!
This recipe gave me goosebumps .. noooooo noooooooo not for me.
LOVED the video!
Have a pretty day!
You look fab in the vid, BUT OMG how could you even take a bite!! Jello and tuna a combo of my two most unfavorite things! You rock Mimi!
Just stumbled across your blog tonight and I have to say I LOVE your it! First off, I love all things retro too! Second, (as I am back on WW now) I love the WW-related humor. The repulsiveness is just the icing on the "cake." :P Can't wait to read the rest of your entries!
"It reminds me of summer." ROFLOL! Just hopped over here from the liver pate. I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. This has made my day!
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