
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Invasion of the Cucumber Canapes

Can I be honest? I really have no idea why I made these. I just couldn't help myself. It was like some strange force made me do it...

This weekend, I came across a recipe for Cucumber Canapes in the Christmas 1970 issue of Weight Watchers Magazine. These little Hors d'Ouevres looked so freaky and weird, I had to try them. And as luck would have it, there was an extra packet of Knox in the pantry and a cucumber in the fridge -- so I figured, why not?

After dissolving my Knox in a cup of boiling broth, I added some dehydrated onion flakes and vinegar then popped it in the fridge for just enough time to get it "syrupy". At this point-the recipe said to fold in some chopped parley and pimento. I decided to go with basil and tomato to give it more of a Summertime feel.

Next step--I spooned the mixture into a mini-muffin tin and topped each gelatin muffin with a cucumber slice. Then...Popped it back into the fridge for 2 more hours.

The result was an orb-shaped translucent finger food that resembled an alien pod of some sort. In fact, when grouped together--they might remind you of a scene from the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers:

The flavor is zesty and oddly refreshing. The combination of jelly and crunch is mildly unsettling. Wait...Oh no! They seem to be multiplying! They are taking over the planet!

There's nothing to be afraid of. You are part of it now. Just go ahead and keep making more Cucumber Canapes. Resistance is futile.


  1. Oh. *wrinkles brow* I don't trust cucumbers or pimentos anyway; it's made even worse with tomatoes. Oh.

    Word verification: duckbrat. I feel a new screen name!

  2. That post was hysterical...they look a little scary!

  3. Those would be good for a halloween party....'cause they could be made (with the help of a little piece of black olive) look like little bloodshot eyes. :) Thanks as ALWAYS Mimi for your fun retro posts! Have a great weekend.

  4. YEP! needed a laugh tonight ... you NEVER disapoint! hahahhahahahahahaahahahahahahaha!!!
